Our collection of mortgage calculators will help you project what your mortgage payment will be, and what you can afford.
Whether you’re considering buying a house in Alberta, or getting ready for a mortgage renewal in Canada, our mortgage calculators are valuable tools to help you get the information you need to make the right decision for you.
Calculate the maximum mortgage amount you qualify for based on your income. This is a great tool to check out if you’re a potential home buyer.
There are many factors determining how much mortgage you will qualify for. This chart will give you an idea of the income required.

**Please Note** Due to the “Government Required Stress Test”, all applicants MUST qualify for a (4.79%) “Mortgage Benchmark Rate”. This is NOT the rate you will be charged. This rate is only used to qualify. The Government’s reason for enforcing this “Benchmark Rate”: A potential homeowner must be able to show lenders that if interest rates were to change, you’d still be able to cover your mortgage payments and other costs related to homeownership.