COVID-19 and your mental health
How to cope
crazy times
How is your mental health? During these extraordinary times people may find themselves struggling to make sense of the world around them. Emotions are running high, our stress levels are remaining elevated for longer periods of time and the coping mechanisms that might have seen us through such as visiting with friends or going swimming are not available at this time.
How do you manage your mental health?
So how DO you manage in this environment? For everyone, it is different, but some commonalities exist.
1) Practice self-care. This includes regular sleep, good nutrition, exercise and so much more. If you are needing a little more sleep than usual or a little less, that’s normal. Be kind to yourself.
2) Try and keep some kind of routine. Even if it’s simply three meals a day and two snacks. Get dressed and yes, leggings and sweats count! Shower, brush your teeth and do as much as you can to keep yourself on some kind of gentle regimen.
3) Be kind to others. Connect with people electronically, but don’t forget to check on your neighbors if you can. Find some way to communicate that helps keep everyone safe. It’s the right thing to do, but it’s also good for your mental health.
You’re not alone
We are all in this together. As difficult as times are right now, please know you are not in this alone. Reach out any way you can. Connect with nature when possible, the robins are back!
There are many resources available
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Calgary Region invites you to check out the website to learn how CMHA can help, or please reach out to any of the following services which are being offered remotely:

Peer Support service through phone 403-297-1402 or email [email protected] is available to those who need it.
Counselling Services for Suicide Bereavement and Family Support are available through phone 403-297-1708 or email [email protected].
Canadian Mental Health is also providing education sessions for companies and organizations on stress management and overall mental health for free. To inquire or book email [email protected]
Please leave a message as these number are not answered live. The emails and phone calls will be responded to in a timely manner based on volume received between the hours of 9 am – 4 pm.
Lastly – crisis doesn’t always happen between the hours of 9 am and 4 pm. 24/7 support is available through the Distress Centre at 403-266-4357 (HELP) for non-emergent support.